Press Release: ECCA backs EU Commissioner-designate Oliver Várhelyi commitment to enhance Sustainable Plant Protection Products use and their timely authorisations

ECCA backs EU Commissioner-designate Oliver Várhelyi commitment to enhance Sustainable Plant Protection Products use and their timely authorisations

Brussels, Belgium – 24 October 2024 – The European Crop Care Association (ECCA), the leading advocate for Europe’s post-patent plant protection industry, welcomes the responses of Commissioner-designate for Health and Animal Welfare, Olivér Várhelyi, to the European Parliament’s questions on sustainable plant protection strategies. ECCA is encouraged by the Commissioner’s commitment to engage stakeholders in improving the implementation of the Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, a key legislative measure for environmentally sustainable crop protection that supports farmers’ profitability.

“We are pleased that the Commissioner recognises the delays in risk assessments, which affect both new products and renewals, including post-patent crop protection products,” said Paolo Marchesini, ECCA General Manager. “The existing framework, centred on EU Reg 1107/2009, provides solid legislative guidance, but there are tools within it that remain underutilised. Mr Várhelyi’s pledge to collaborate with Member States to improve the authorisation process is a positive signal for the industry.”

Sustainable Agriculture through Post-Patent Products

ECCA emphasises the critical role post-patent plant protection products play in the transition to sustainable agriculture. These products offer proven safety and efficacy, supporting effective pest control and farmer profitability. They also align with EU goals to reduce risks associated with plant protection products and promote integrated pest management practices.

“We welcome the Commissioner-designate’s support for improving approval timelines and leveraging regulatory opportunities, such as mutual recognition and new technologies like digital and precision agriculture,” added Marchesini. “Post-patent products provide farmers with reliable, safe, and affordable solutions that contribute to both environmental sustainability and economic resilience.”

A Path Towards Sustainable Agriculture

ECCA supports the Commissioner-designate’s long-term vision for sustainability in agriculture. Achieving this vision requires a gradual approach, allowing farmers to adopt the best solutions for crop protection while remaining competitive in the face of challenges like climate change, shifting consumer expectations, and global market pressures.

Defending the competitiveness of European agriculture means ensuring food security during uncertain times. Providing the post-patent crop protection industry with clear and timely regulatory processes is essential to making these solutions available to European farmers.