Dialogue is very welcome – but we must go “Beyond Dialogue”
Dialogue is very welcome – but we must go “Beyond Dialogue”
ECCA welcomes the “Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture,” and is looking forward to this being a truly all-encompassing dialogue that goes beyond mere dialogue, listening to and acting upon the concerns and recommendations of all critical agriculture stakeholders in Europe, including Europe’s post-patent plant protection industry.
ECCA’s members, primarily made up of SMEs, employ more than 3500 people and in 2023 accounted for approximately 18% of the European crop protection industry. We believe we have much to contribute to the Strategic Dialogue, and moreover, to supporting farmers who provide Europe’s citizens with healthy and high-quality food while preserving our environment for generations to follow.
Our members are eager to contribute their expertise and experience to drive meaningful change that in the words of Professor Peter Strohschneider, Chairman of the Strategic Dialogue, “balance the economic, ecological, and social aspects of the entire food system”.
ECCA and our members will be sharing our views here on this page as well as via the EU’s Have Your Say portal as we track and contribute to a “Strategic Dialogue” that delivers on its promise for the “Future of EU Agriculture”.
GreenDeal EUAgPolicy EUGreenDeal BelgianPresidency SustainableAgriculture pesticides patents cropprotection