EFSA opened on 11.04.2024 a consultation on the RAR of nicosulfuron.
Nicosulfuron is an AIR 3.4 substance with an expiry date of 31.03.2027. RMS Latvia produced a RAR in August 2022, 68 months after receipt of the supplementary dossier submitted by a task force comprising 7 companies. This first version of the RAR is now published by EFSA for public commenting.
The proposed decision covers only a few lines of blacked out text, and the particular conditions proposed to manage the risks identified, another few lines of blacked out text. However, from the table under section 3.1., it can be concluded that renewal is being proposed for this product, an herbicide for the control of broad-leaved and grass weeds in maize.
The RMS has kept the tables with critical areas of concern and with the issues that could not be finalized blank. But, again, looking into the table under section 3.1 no major points can be identified, in any of the sections, that potentially lead to a major concern. Nevertheless, two additional studies (amphibians and aquatic organisms) are considered necessary to conclude on ED properties of nicosulfuron on non-target organisms. This seems to indicate that a stop of the clock will be granted for the generation of this data.
The minimum purity of the active substance is listed as 910 g/kg, which is equal to the current specification and FAO specifications. No relevant impurities are listed.
The public consultation ends on the 10.06 2024.